Why you should stop hunting for “Best Telecom Operators Trophies?”

Do you genuinely want to improve the services you provide to your customers and not just winning telecom trophy hunting competitions arranged by telecom benchmarking and legacy crowdsourcing companies?


Telecom market is very competitive and customer expectations continue to rise with 5G marketing offers and new apps. Understanding customer experience better than your competitors is critical for your long-term success. While important for marketing, high-level benchmarking data is not enough to surpass competition. 


Do you lack statistically significant amount of network performance data collected from end users to make timely and impactful network investment and optimization decisions? Netradar does not perform old-fashioned speed tests. Instead, we analyze the network performance end users experience all day long. We help you to collect 1,000-10,000 times more data than any other solution provider. This enables industry leading accuracy and depth of the analytics, 10,000 times faster access to get the analytics, calculated in hours or a few days at most, instead of months or years with legacy solutions. Furthermore, this data is actionable enabling telecom operators to genuinely improve the services they provide to their customers.


Our promise to telecom operators is straight-forward, the data you collect with Netradar is fully owned and controlled by you. With the insights derived from the Netradar solution leveraging its AI 2.0 capabilities, you can build a true competitive advantage and as a byproduct win those trophy hunting competitions, should you wish to.

Netradar solution is in use by leading tier-1 telecom operator groups like T-Mobile US, a leading telecom operator group in Asia Pacific and operators of governmental critical communications networks like the State Security Networks of Finland (Erillisverkot).

If you want to hear more, you could participate in our upcoming webinar on October 20, 2022 – “Netradar solution for private 5G networks. Case study the State Security Networks of Finland”.

Recently Netradar passed the challenging selection process for coveted Young Innovative Company (NIY), a program facilitated by Business Finland. Selected companies are startups with a high business potential that have been in operation for less than five years and have already won significant business internationally. The program funding enables the company to invest in the growth of international business and, in addition, strengthen the team, develop its business model and growth strategy, as well as targeting new markets.

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Would you like to see a demo of our solution or learn more about the new AI-powered features? Book a meeting with our sales team.