Career & lifestyle at ​Netradar

We are a fast growing international company based in the ​happiest country in the world, Finland. Our team counts ​different nationalities and employees who have been ​shaped in world renowned telecom companies.

Stronger together, innovative and customer driven

Career & lifestyle at ​Netradar

We are a fast growing international company based in the ​happiest country in the world, Finland. Our team counts ​different nationalities and employees who have been ​shaped in world renowned telecom companies.​

Stronger together, innovative and customer driven

Perks & Benefits

Flexible working location

HQ Espoo, Finland

We are a company with hybrid working ​location. You can work from home or ​come to the office in our HQ in ​Espoo.

Wo​rk life balance

Work at your own pace

We use modern tools  like Slack, Discord and Trello. We follow Sprint meetings regularly and work with  Agile methodology.

International focus

Gl​obal business

We are an international company with ​customers all over the world. We attend fair​s and exhibitions worldwide. With us you ca​n expand your global business knowledge​.

Annual leave

Enjoy at your ow​n pace

With us you have at least 5 weeks holiday per year and you can decide when to take your deserved work break.

Te​am building

Le​t's have fun together!

Twice a year we arrange social gathering ​where we enjoy activities like archery, rock ​climbing, dinners, sauna and refre​shments.

La​test tech gadgets

Wh​atever is needed

We equip you with whatever is needed for ​you to work in a comfortable way, both from ​the office or from home. Our Tech-team will ​support you with the best technology for yo​ur dai​ly work.

Every connection matters

Open Positions

Open application

Send your CV or open application to Netradar and we will take it into consideration.

Required positions are usually Software Development, Sales and Marketing as well as Internships.

Open Positions

Open application

Send your CV or open application to Netradar and we will take it into consideration.

Required positions are usually Software Development, Sales and Marketing as well as Internships.