Gain understanding how your customers are being served by your network - reduce churn.
Invest in the areas where it matters the most for your customers – gain in investment efficiency and effectiveness.
Netradar helps you to study the consumer’s real daily data usage, real app traffic, and can tell the performance of your network and the impact on the consumer.
Netradar works with leading telecom operators and vendors around the world. Netradar use cases include quality assurance, network planning and optimization, troubleshooting and benchmarking. Let's have a quick introduction meeting to discuss Netradar value add for your business. Alternatively we would be happy to arrange a solution demo or to set up a solution trial for you.
Netradar works with leading telecom operators and vendors around the world. Netradar use cases include quality assurance, network planning and optimization, troubleshooting and benchmarking. Let's have a quick introduction meeting to discuss Netradar value add for your business. Alternatively we would be happy to arrange a solution demo or to set up a solution trial for you.